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Why do socialists hate the market yet use it for their needs?

Socialists have to eat, wear clothes, stay warm in the winter, use transportation, etc., like everyone else. They could live in public housing, use public transit, and get health care supplied by the state. But for their other goods and services, they have to go to the market for the things they need or want. How can they reconcile their ideology with their actual behavior? Are they hypocrites?

Mark Plus , 31.10.2014, 09:12
Idea status: under consideration


Joshua, 13.11.2014, 20:41
Just think of the question in reverse.

Why do people who support free markets apply for government benefits?

Because (with lots of footnotes) wanting the government to work a particular way doesn't mean you have to go live as a hermit if it isn't that way right now.

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