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Can morality be studied via scientific studies?

In other words, is it possible to conduct research into morality, especially larger field studies, thereby bolstering the case for ethical egoism? I've seen several such studies that examine moral behavior and what it might mean. For example, I found one today that seems especially interesting for Objectivists: it found that "Texted responses from participants across political and religious spectrums indicated that being the target of moral or immoral deeds had a big impact on their level of happiness." Is such research possible? Is it worth doing? Is anyone doing it?

Tili Jubilee , 11.09.2014, 14:26
Idea status: under consideration


DianaHsieh, 22.09.2014, 21:41
Here's the link to the study mentioned: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/2014/09/11/smartphone-app-takes-morality-science-out-of-the-lab-and-into-the-real-world/

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