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Was Atlas Shrugged intended to save America?

Recently, I ran across this comment on the internet: ""Saving America wasn't the point of Atlas Shrugged, that's not the happily ever after it proposes in the end. It chronicles the main characters getting over that misguided mission and why." Two questions come to mind: (1) What was Ayn Rand's purpose in writing Atlas Shrugged? And (2) Do you think that being inspired to "save America" after reading "Atlas Shrugged" is misguided?

Jose Bernus , 15.04.2014, 12:37
Idea status: completed


Adam Fitchett, 04.05.2014, 14:37
In one of her interviews with Phil Donahue, Rand described Atlas as 'a blueprint for how to be free', suggesting its value is much more personal than political. However, in her essay 'Is Atlas Shrugging?' she relates how she hoped the publication of the book would prevent its content from becoming prophetic, thus also suggesting she had some political motivations in writing it. Also, at one point in her journals, she talks about her desire to write a book that will "integrate everything", which Atlas seems to do quite well; this then suggests that Rand also had a philosophic motivation for writing the novel.

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