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Is sharing an interest in philosophy necessary for a good romance?

I am extremely interested in philosophy. I'm studying it and planning to make it my career. My girlfriend is not. She wants nothing to do with philosophy, although she is perfectly happy with me doing it. However, I find that I am missing that intellectual engagement with her. I've asked a number of times if she would try to talk to me about any sort of philosophical issue -- really just anything deeper than day to day happenings -- and she just can't do it. She becomes uninterested or even begins to get overwhelmed and frustrated to the point of tears. Is it necessary for us to engage in this activity together to be happy? Is there any way that I can help her to engage in rational inquiry without it being forced on her, if at all?

Kendall , 28.02.2014, 17:55
Idea status: completed


Ragnar Weskar, 22.04.2014, 12:30
I think for better compatibility heterosexual sexual romantic relationships both should have the same philosophy and sexual attraction for each other. I don't your girlfriend has to have the same career interests or be enthusiastic about talking about your passion. It seems to me you are looking for intellectual curiosity from your girlfriend. Have you tried other intellectual discussions? Sexual compatibility is great, but if there is no intellectual stimulation from her at all, why stay with her? There other women you can meet who are intellectually inclined. You can even find a woman who shares your career passion if that is really important to you.

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