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How can I maintain my sense of self when surrounded by people I don't relate to deeply?

At places like work I have trouble relating to my coworkers on a significantly deep level. For the most part, we just don't share the deepest or most important aspects of life, such as a genuine interests in ideas, various nuances of the culinary arts, and so on. However, I enjoy interacting with these people, but I'm not likely to engage in frequent outings and whatnot. Yet, in other aspects of life -- for the time -- I don't have the ability to deal with people I share a "like soul" with, in Aristotle paraphrased terms. Thus, how can I truthfully express my personality and values while maintaining, or even deepening, my friendship with these people? I feel like I'm "faking" myself too often.

Benjamin (Benpercent) , 28.08.2013, 13:28
Idea status: completed


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