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How much sympathy should I have for people failing in their obligations due to personal struggles?

In the past two years, I've witnessed two businesses (both one-person operations) crash and burn due to the owners' inability to continue to operate while suffering from severe depression. I don't know the trigger in the first case, but in the second case, the depression was precipitated by a divorce, then the murder of a toddler in the family. The business is online, and unhappy customers have been airing their frustration with the fact that they never received goods already paid-for. Some friends are stepping in to help, but the owner's reputation has been ruined. How much slack should I -- or others aware of the situation -- cut the owner? How far should my sympathy go?

Lauren , 05.07.2013, 13:22
Idea status: completed


John Fry, 09.07.2013, 15:37
Well this is a personal question, how close are to you to the owner? How much is required of you? How much sympathy do you have? What are the chances the owner returning to a good reputation. Perhaps they'd be better served going in another direction. You are not required to do anything. If you feel they are severely depressed you could recommend them see a professional, suggest better business practices, or just continue to encourage them. However their failure is not (quite literally) your business.

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