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Should I care about future generations?

People often claim that we should act for the sake of future generations, particularly regarding environmental concerns. Is that rational? Why should I care what happens to people after I am dead? Why should I work for the benefit of people who cannot possibly benefit my life and who aren't even known, let alone of value, to me?

Adam , 04.06.2013, 07:32
Idea status: completed


Lauren, 23.07.2013, 06:32
This kind of touches on a discussion that I had with a friend recently... who considers it her right AND moral to be willing to sacrifice herself (as a soldier) for unborn generations to come. Not her husband, home, or pets though, .....she was very clear on that.
We were discussing the rampant altruism in bromides posted around the 4th of July, after an imploded conversation happened with another veteran, where I was trying to contrast "sacrifice" as a virtue, versus a selfish motivation to accept a dangerous situation for the welfare of one's family/children/way of life.

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