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When is a relationship broken beyond repair?

Relationships can be severely strained, fraught with anger and frustration, and perhaps put on ice for weeks or months or years. Yet in the end, the two people can often reconcile in some way, so that they can enjoy a genuine (even if not deep) relationship again. In some cases, however, that's not possible. Why not? In such cases, must the problem be that one person (or both people) continue to behave badly? Or might reconciliation be impossible between two good people? If so, why?

Anonymous , 13.05.2013, 12:10
Idea status: completed


Anonymous, 15.05.2013, 11:59
Questions such as these are what licensed therapists are for. Marital problems are caused by many things, and handled by spouses in a variety of ways (not to mention the baggage each spouse carries into the marriage), and I think it's wrong to answer this question having so little context.

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