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Can the debates over gay marriage be solved by new terminology?

I'd like to propose that the acrimonious arguments over gay marriage be solved by the following compromise. In our laws, we could replace the term "marriage" with "uniage", such that we would have three subcategories of uniage: marriage between one man and one woman, "andriage" between two men, and "fembriage" between two women. This way, people could know and understand exactly which combination of genders we are talking about in any covenant union, and the people who defend what's been the traditional definition of marriage still get to keep it, while the government would begin to have equal laws based on two people being united in any of these covenants, not just in the opposite-sex combination. Is this worth a try?

Glenn Shrom , 18.12.2012, 17:37
Idea status: under consideration


DianaHsieh, 31.12.2012, 20:15
Here's the original question:

Would legalized same-sex marriage necessarily include all the same benefits designed to support couples who can potentially raise natural families? I think for instance of legal widows, some of whom are eligible for government widow's benefits, and some of whom are not. Should those being denied the benefits of widowhood be fighting for legal recognition of their widowhood and equality with other widows who do get the benefits? Is it that they aren't really recognized as widows, or simply that their type of widowhood is not viewed as in the interests of the state to give them equal benefits with other widows? On the other hand, if it is not about "marriage" per se, but about the benefits of marriage, why not have a compromise political solution whereby those who want to keep the standard definition of the word "marriage" get to keep it, while the same benefits are granted to same-sex couples? In our laws, we could replace the term "marriage" with "uniage", for instance, and then have three subcategories of uniage: marriage between one man and one woman, "andriage" between two men, and "fembriage" between two women. This way, people could know and understand exactly which combination of genders we are talking about in any covenant union, and the people who defend what's been the definition of marriage still get to keep it, while the government would begin to have equal laws based on two people being united in any of these types of covenants, not just one gender combination. What do you think? Is this worth a try?

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