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How should I respond to an unwanted gift given by my in-laws?

My in-laws often give me presents that I don't much like -- like frumpy boring sweaters and books I'll never read. I thank them kindly for the present, but I'm not effusive in my praise. Recently, they gave me something really pretty inappropriate for me -- on par with giving a bacon cookbook to a vegetarian. I wasn't sure whether it was just clueless or hostile. How should I respond?

Anonymous , 31.05.2012, 11:02
Idea status: completed


Henry, 31.05.2012, 12:34
If its something you can gift on and wont ever be noticed by the inlaws when they come back to visit, then gift it on or ebay it. If its a decoration piece then stick it on the mantelpiece and forget about it.

one day it will fall off and you will be rid of it. Otherwise smile sweetly, and bin it when theyve gone. Saves the hassle. Depends on what it is Everything has its use and several other uses.

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